Microsoft is currently in search for its next CEO, who can handle the company as Ballmer did. Recent reports from different and popular publications including Bloomberg, Re/code, and The New York Times suggests that Satya Nadella is currently the front runner for Microsoft CEO position and if reports from Silicon Angle are to be believed then instead of Nadella we might see Google’s head of Android Sundar Pichai at this position.
“Microsoft really want to set their flag high with Sundar Pichai in creating a new open operating system model for cloud, mobile, and social,” chief analyst at Wikibon Dave Vellante said to Silicon Angle. “The market has been looking for a CEO who can balance the role of leading the enterprise transformation while keeping that consumer momentum with xBox [sic] and reboot mobile. Pichai is the total package of technology leadership and business acumen.”
Well, currently there are no official details which can confirm this reports. But Sundar Pichai is well known for his work at Google and I think his fans or followers will be not so happy to see him leaving Google to join Microsoft. Stay tuned for more Info