Huraayyyyyy.......! After long time, finally Motorola and Flipkart has officially launched the new budget friendly Moto G smartphone in India. As expected the price of Moto G in India is very affordable, the company has priced 8GB model of Moto G for Rs. 12,499 and 16GB model for Rs. 13,999. Initially it will be exclusive to Flipkart and after few days it will come to other stores.
Again while coming to Specifications, Moto G comes with a 4.5-inch of 720p display screen, Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 quad-core processor Cloked at 1.2Ghz , 1GB of RAM, 5MP rear camera with LED flash and 1.2-megapixel front facing camera. Dual sim (GSM + GSM) and lot more...........
Additionally We do Get EARPHONE's & WALL CHARGER Here in INdia which seems to be missing in International version or if you buy it from US or UK
Flipkart is also providing various freebies and discounts on Moto G.If you are buying Moto G on the launch day then you will get 70-percent discount on the customizable Moto G covers, Rs 500 off on select eBooks, Rs 1,000 off on clothing and accessories and some lucky winners would also be entitled for a 100 percent cashback.
Moto G will be available on Flipkart starting from February 6th for the Price Mentioned above