Gionee’s Launched it's new mid-range smartphone,i.e; Gionee M2 which is now available in India. The price of Gionee M2 is Rs. 11,123 and it is now available on Snapdeal. Gionee M2 Sports a 5-inch of 854 x 480 pixels display screen, powered by 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM, 4 GB Internal memory and 8MP Auto focus rear camera with LED flash and 2MP front facing camera.while stepping head in connectivity this phone packs 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth with A2DP, GPS and USB OTG. It is available in Black and White color options.
4 Feb 2014
Gionee M2 now available in India for Rs. 11,123
Gionee M2 now available in India for Rs. 11,123
Gadget Spectrum
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