The highly awaited, Motorola Moto G smartphone is coming very soon to Indian market and it seems like the reports were correct. Moto G might come exclusively to some retailers in India at the time of launch. Today Flipkart has already made the Moto G page live on its website. However the retailer has yet not revealed when users will be able to buy it or what will be its price.
Motorola has already announced that it will announce the Moto G India launch date next month on February 5th, which is just a few days away. So, we are expecting that the sale might start on the same day of the announcement.
Motorola’s Moto G is currently one of the best low cost Android smartphones in the market. So, if you are planning to buy a new Android smartphone which can suit your pocket, then I will highly recommend you to wait for the launch of Moto G in India.
Source: Flipkart