Micromax Canvas Mad A94 which was leaked a few days back is now on sale. According to Mahesh Telecom, Canvas Mad will is now available for Rs. 8,100. The phone packs 4.5-inch IPS display screen and is powered by 1.2 GHz quad-core processor, running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Operating System. With Canvas Mad,Micromax is introducing a new way of advertisement. The company will pay its users to watch video ads on this phone.Now this seems to be interesting from Micromax
Mahesh Telecom has also shared the retail box of this smartphone, which we had attached above. It comes with 5-megapixel auto focus rear and front facing camera. It also includes 512MB of RAM and 4GB of Internal Storage with 32GB microSD card slot. It packs 1800 mAH battery.
Micromax Canvas Mad A94 is available in Black and White color option for Rs. 8,100.